One Hour Molar Root Canal, Build Up and Crown
Nov 03, 2020What if could you could master General Dentistry’s #1 most dreaded procedure? My revolutionary system will allow you to predictably complete a Molar Root Canal, Buildup and Crown in about an hour with quality that would satisfy any specialist. Hello, Aaron Nicholas here, I want to take a moment and talk to you about the “One Hour Molar Root Canal, Build Up and Crown”. Of all the procedures we as dentists have to do on a regular basis, none is more dreaded or has a higher “pucker factor” than a molar root canal. It can be painful for the patient, unpredictable for the dentist and take far too much time out of our schedule to be profitable. What’s worse, following the procedure, we then have to worry about post op pain and less than optimal results. We’ve all been there…
- Struggling through a molar root canal for 2 hours
- Unable to locate canals.
- Separating a file in the tooth
- Unable to instrument canals to length
- Losing the confidence of our patient and our staff
- And in the end, referring the exhausted patient to the specialist
- How to move through these two procedures (now done as one) in an hour of doctor time (your assistant still needs to make the temporary)
- The steps that need to be tweaked to result in massive time savings for you and your patient.
- How to almost never need to prescribe narcotic analgesics again.
- A start to finish video of me, Dr. Nicholas, treating two different patients using this innovative technique…
- A third case, close up, showing a multiple-tooth case with actual file-in-canal close ups of the technique
- An operatory “cheat sheet” that we recommend you print out and keep in the operatory for the first few cases to help with procedure flow tooth
- Material and supplier’s list.