The Dominican Dental Mission Project
DDMP was founded in 1982 by Dr. Francis “Frank” Serio. He took a leap of faith and headed out on a one man mission to provide dental care to a remote region of the Dominican Republic. This small step has grown into a dental charity that has provided care to thousands of residents in poor rural communities of that country.
Over the past 40 years, the project has provided over $21 million worth of dental care as well as dental and medical supplies to over 67,000 rural people in the Dominican Republic. Not only has the project changed the lives of the Dominican people, but it has also changed the lives of hundreds of volunteers who have chosen to work with the project. Also noteworthy is that eight Dominican volunteers have continued on to become dentists in their own right! This is the answer to development and sustainability. This project has evolved from being the only dental option to supporting the local dental care system.
How do we specifically meet the needs of the community?
- Being mobile allows us to go where we are needed rather than requiring patients to come to us
- Support of the local dentists
- Sustainability, repeatedly visiting the same locations until the needs are met and we are no longer needed
- Increasing the oral health awareness in local communities
Today, the trip is run by a small team of dentists from across the United States in conjunction with a team of Dominican dentists and volunteers from the local communities. The teamwork between the two countries is pivotal for the success of the project and its work.
The Asociación para el Desarrollo de San José de Ocoa (ADESJO)
ADESJO was formed as a community development association to improve many aspects of life in and around Ocoa. It was formed in 1962 and is commonly known as La Junta. For many years, La Junta was integrated with the activities of the local Catholic parish- Nuestra Senora de Altagracia. The long time pastor, Padre Luis Quinn, also served as Executive Director of La Junta until his death in 2007. Both La Junta and the parish community activities have evolved since that time. For the Dominican Dental Mission Project, La Junta provides trucks, drivers, and other support personnel. The DDMP reimburses La Junta for these services.
TAX ID #56-2152669
Your donation is a tax-deductible contribution and can be mailed to:
The CF of NC East, PO Box 3985, Greenville NC 27836
(memo noted: f/b/o Dominican Dental Mission Project Fund)