Person typing a review for Monday Morning Dentistry

"Hey Doc!
I just wanted to reach out and give you an update since I took your class last year.

A little background: I have a startup practice that opened in Dec 2018 so I had been temping for a massive office while we were growing the startup. I saw a niche for molar endo as they were referring a ton of patients out for this. Before I took your class, I had completed (32 anterior, 37 premolar, and 136 molar) in about 1.5 years working 2-3 days a week. Not all of them went well. It was stressful most days as complications arose relatively frequently (ie. broken files, short or long fills, blockages, etc.).

In January 2020, I attended your class and all the issues I had been having were addressed! Your process and system was so simple and replicable. I was finally getting sealer puffs for the first time. Files breaking were few and far between. It got to the point where check x-rays were not necessary.

In the year since taking your class, I had completed 15 anterior, 41 premolar, and 125 molar RCTs...and here's the kicker...working just 1 day a week!

I was able to do endo faster, more predictably, all while being less stressed. I've taken a few endo classes in the past and can say, without hesitation, that yours is the most practical and useful.

I cannot thank you enough for teaching me all your tricks. I heard on the podcast with Dr Costes that you had sold your practice and wanted to start teaching more. On behalf of everyone who has taken and will take your class in the future, we are forever thankful! your class in the future, we are forever thankful!"

-Dr. Dan Hostrander


"After taking this course I can now fully understand why Dr. Nicholas calls his company Monday Morning Dentistry. The information presented in this 1 hour endo/crown course was so real, so practical, so “wet-finger”, that myself and all my associates that took the course with me have had a renewed energy about high quality, efficient molar endo and crown procedures. My associate Cate took it to a new level seeing a new patient emergency first thing Monday morning at 7 am and performing a 4 canal molar root canal and crown on an upper second molar, having them out of the office by 9am...while seeing her regularly scheduled patients as well!

Nowadays, flashy CE courses like All on X or Invisalign get all the hype. It's a shame because they can take years to see an ROI. Dr. Nicholas course teaches fundamentals that are real world with true opportunity to see an ROI the day you return to the office. Take this course!"

-Dr. Jason Tanoory


“The Molar RCT/BU/Crown may not seem like a sexy procedure to add to your practice but I have found that it has been a huge patient satisfaction piece and dental practice builder for me. Learning this technique in molar endo and endo in general has greatly improved my confidence and competence in providing this service to my patients. Dr. Nicholas’ technique had allowed me to combine steps and reduce the number of patient
visits. Additionally, my patients experience less postoperative pain. I can’t say enough good things about this CE.”

-Dr. Darren Brower

"Having attended Dr. Aaron Nicholas' One Hour Molar RCT, BU, and Crown course I can tell you it has been one of the best courses that I have taken to date. This course was able to give me increased confidence in expanding my treatment of RCTs, had made my process more predictable, and has given me the opportunity to become more efficient. Much more than these things it has given me a mentor that I can trust to share my successes with, but also someone who is there to walk me through the not so successful cases. Dr. Nicholas is a solid man that cares enough to be a teacher and to help me succeed. This course has brought great ROI to my practice!"

-Dr. Chase Funk

Text message testimonial to Dr. Nicholas about Monday Morning Dentistry's One Hour Molar Root Canal, Buil-up and Crown Hands-on Course

“Hey Doc, hope all is well.
Got through two Mix molar RCTs Today and found the MB2s in both.
Gotta say, I'm super happy I took your course. It gave me so much confidance in providing quality Endo. And only 6 months out of dental school!"

-Dr. Rivera


“I have been in practice since 2008. I am a general dentist and I see a lot of emergency patients needing root canals. This system has revolutionized the way I do dentistry. It makes endo and crown preps so easy! With this I am able to serve my patients more
efficiently and increase my bottom line significantly. Patients love it- they don't have to take more time from work and they don't have to get "shots" twice for the same tooth! I highly recommend this course to all."

-Dr. Allen Gotora



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+1 (301) 842-8011